Why is the Biggest Content Marketing Obstacle Still Search Engine Optimization?

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Today, content is King. With the availability of online search, consumers can now find information about any topic they want, 24/7. As a result, businesses that can’t think outside the box to come up with unique content will be left behind.

In the race to capture audience’s attention, businesses are thrusting more resources into their marketing efforts. However, the ROI on this content marketing investment is not always clear. As a result, many businesses are struggling to understand why they should continue investing in it.

The good news is that while content marketing takes time to produce results, it’s not as hard to implement as you think. Yes, it takes time and dedication, but you can overcome the biggest content marketing obstacles. If you’re ready to increase your content marketing effectiveness and see results, read on to learn more.

Create a blog

Blogging is the backbone of any content marketing strategy. It’s not only a great way to increase brand exposure, but it’s also an effective way to build your email list and grow your SEO.

A blog is a website that contains content, typically written by a business owner, employee, or affiliate in their spare time. The blog typically focuses on topics related to the business’s industry.

Build Your Site Around a Core Purpose

The purpose of your site should be the driving force behind every decision you make when designing your site. The purpose should be visible on your site in the form of a mission or tagline, and in the content that you publish on your site.

The reason why you should build your site around a core purpose is that it helps you create a unique content marketing ecosystem. Within this ecosystem, the links between your site’s content, social media, and email campaigns will be more meaningful.

This will help your content go viral, build your email list, and increase your site’s authority.

If you’re not sure what purpose to build your site around, ask yourself this question: Who is my audience?

Your audience is the people that will end up reading your content, so you should know what their interests are, what problems they face, and what solutions they want.

Minimize Unnecessary Pages

One of the most common content marketing mistakes is creating a lot of unnecessary pages on your site.

As a general rule of thumb, your site should load in under two seconds. If it takes longer than that to load, visitors will become impatient and frustrated, which will lead to them clicking away from your site.

To ensure that your site loads quickly, you need to do your research and discover what your ideal loading time is. Once you have this number, you can use it as a benchmark to measure against future site improvements.

Use A Secure Website

One of the most important aspects of any content marketing strategy is using a secure website.

A secure website has been verified by the trust seal of a trusted third-party (usually Google or Bing), which means that you can be confident that the site is safe for visitors to browse.

Create an Effective On-Site SEO Strategy

One of the most challenging aspects of content marketing is optimizing your site for both search engines and humans.

To be successful with your SEO, you need to make sure that your site is optimized for both humans and engines. For example, you want to rank well for key terms that will help humans find your content, but you also want your site to rank well for the key terms that will help the engines find and crawl your site.

To be successful with your SEO, you need you need to create an on-site SEO strategy. You’ll want to start this strategy at the very beginning of your content marketing journey.

Here are a few things you’ll want to keep in mind as you create your on-site SEO strategy.

Use analytics to continually improve your website

Website optimization is a never-ending cycle. There is always room for improvement and website analytics can help you discover what works best for your audience.

When you analyze your website’s analytics, you’ll want to keep the following points in mind.

Research Your Competition

As you create and publish content, it’s important to research your competitors. You want to learn as much as possible about your competitors, including: What sites they are publishing on, What content topics they are covering, What social media channels they are using, and What email marketing campaigns they are running.

Competing sites in your niche are great opportunities for content marketing strategies. By learning from your competitors, you can create content that is better than theirs, while still remaining true to your voice.

Bottom line

SEO is not dead. It’s the new SEO that has made optimization so tricky and different than what we’ve been accustomed to in the past, but there are still ways you can make your website rank higher on SERPs.

Blogging is a great way to promote your brand, generate leads, and build your email list.

But to be successful with your blog, you’ll want to make sure that you’re following the tips and guidelines mentioned above.

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