How to Generate an SEO-Friendly Website

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Creating an effective website is an essential marketing tool for any business, big or small, local or online. Even small businesses need to have an online presence to remain competitive and attract new customers. An effective website is one that is properly designed and optimized to provide your company with visibility in search engines.

Website design has come a long way in the last few years. It used to be that businesses had to settle for less than stellar websites that were difficult to navigate and hard on the eyes. Today, it is possible to create a beautifully designed and user-friendly site that also helps your business to get found online.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is one of the main reasons why a business should have their own website. It is one of the most important factors in whether or not people will be able to find your company or not.

Creating an SEO-friendly website is no easy feat, but it is something that you can learn and improve upon over time. Here are a few tips that can help you generate an SEO-friendly website.

Create content that is keyword-rich

When building your content for your website, it is important that you include keywords that are relevant to your business. Keyword-rich content will help people find your site when they are searching for a service or product like yours. For example, if you own a pizza shop and are trying to rank higher in Google while still keeping your content readable, use words like “pizza” and “menu.”

Avoid overuse of keywords in header tags and HTML

When developing a website, it’s important to make sure that you’re not overusing keywords on your header tags and HTML. You want to use the keyword in one or two places, but too much will look spammy and it won’t help you rank higher on search engines.

Avoid hubpages

HubPages are an SEO nightmare for a few reasons. The first is that sites with too much content are penalized by search engines. You also can’t upload images, videos, or links to your hubpages profile from your computer.

You should avoid creating a hubpage if you want your website to be optimized and findable by search engines. Instead, use the WordPress platform in order to create the site you will link in with other pages on the internet.

Keep things simple

It may tempt you to make your site do everything it can, but this can actually hurt your SEO. The more content you have on your site, the less likely it is that people will actually read anything. If people read nothing on your website, they won’t be able to get the information that you want them to know about. Keep things simple and focus on one or two major goals for each section of your site.

Avoid flash

Flash can be great for certain projects and presentations, but it is not recommended for use on your website. Flash often messes with the coding of a website, which will lead to Google not being able to properly index your site.

Use Schema markup

Schema markup can help your website to provide a better user experience. It also helps search engine crawlers to crawl and index your website. Schema is valuable for those who are trying to rank higher in organic search results.

Schema markup is not just for the design of the website, it can also be used in content. When you input schema into your content, it helps with displaying that content in search results, which has been shown to increase click-through rates by as much as 41 percent.

In order for schema to work properly, it needs to be used throughout the entire site and on every page. It is important not only to use it when writing new content, but also when updating old pages or blogs posts so that Google and others instantly indexed the information.

Avoid hidden text

One of the most common mistakes is to use text that is not visible to the naked eye. This means that people won’t be able to read it when they open your site and it will not contribute to your SEO ranking.


This blog post has shown you how to create an SEO-friendly website. To recap:

• Create content that is keyword-rich
• Avoid overuse of keywords in header tags and HTML
• Avoid hubpages
• Keep things simple
• Avoid flash
• Use Schema markup
• Avoid hidden text

You can now move on to the next step in your website creation process: deciding on the design and layout of your site. The steps you take at this stage will have a major impact on how well your site performs in search engines, so be sure to get it right!

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